F.A.Q. Payments
Q: What payment options does GemEarth offer?
A: At present, GemEarth offers PayPal due to its buyer and seller safeguards and trusted reputation.
Q: Are payments secure?
A: Yes, all payments are 100% secure. Payments via Paypal provide buyer and seller with reliable protection.
Q: Does GemEarth share my personal details with any third parties?
A: Never. All buyer’s personal information is treated with the strictest of security and privacy measures.
Q: Does GemEarth use my personal details for any other purpose?
A: From time to time we send e-mails notifying our customers of special promotions.
Q: What if I have any questions regarding any of the above or something else related to GemEarth?
A: Please contact our customer support team with any queries and we will reply at the earliest possible opportunity. Please take into consideration any time differences between your location and Thailand.